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Dating and/or Love Facts.

Updated: Mar 17, 2020


Fact 1: Once you are in love, there is no going back to being just friends. This is because you will always care to some point where you will want to be with them again, if that makes any sense.


Fact 2: If someone really likes you, they will look you in the eye and listen to you. And if they are quiet, they are sincerely listening to what you are saying. If they break into what you are saying every couple of seconds, it is possible they are trying to just get your attention and make you be quiet. Either they do that because they want the conversation to be over, or, they want you both to have a conversation where you both can be apart of it. He/she could want to see if you both have something in common by asking questions. If they don't sometimes it means they want to hear more about you and gather information for your next meetup or date.


Fact 3: Sometimes the person you really like/love will walk away just to see if you will follow them. In my opinion, those are the people that crave most attention and like to be the center of attention, so they make a big deal out of you not following them. Most of the time, I don't deal with those people, even though I sorta am one of those people. Not fully, but some times.


I will post more things like this soon.

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